Shawna Ambrose
for Arvada City Council, District Two
After finishing my enlistment in the United States Army, I chose to live in Arvada. As a working mom, I’m thankful for what Arvada gives my family: supportive community, beautiful parks, and Arva-Pride.
Decisions made by city council in the next few years will chart our city’s course for decades. With 20 years of service in non-profit leadership, pro-union negotiations, and military service I can win us the progress we need. Let’s win together. Let’s make Arvada work for you!
WE WON!!!!
Thank you everyone for your tremendous support of this campaign. I'm so excited to fulfill everything we dreamed about while winning this campaign together. Please feel free to contact me at 970-425-3060 or email shawnaforarvada@gmail.com and tell me how Arvada can work for you!

Our campaign celebration is Nov 8th, 6pm-8pm, at Mi Tierra Caliente near 64th and Sheridan.
Swearing in ceremony: Nov 13th, 6pm, City Hall
Affordable Housing
Development should be oriented towards the people of Arvada, not developers. We need more housing for our seniors, students, working families, and the people of Arvada.
Environmental Justice
Access EPA funds to form an equitable climate plan enabling Arvada to apply for millions of dollars from the Inflation Reduction Act to mitigate climate change.
Public Safety
Let's strengthen the social service programs proven to reduce crime. Technological advancement and citizen involvement to address traffic, porch pirates, and car theft and all crime.
Local Business
Rebate local small businesses municipal sales tax by instituting franchise fees to strengthen the local economy and even the playing field.
Why Vote For Me?
Because I'll ensure Arvada works for you! After my military service, I chose to raise my family in Arvada. The people and place truly make it home. I am grateful to this city for all it gives my family: community support, beautiful parks, and that "Arva-Pride". It's a critical time for Arvada's leadership, and a vote for me will ensure that you have someone on city council who is looking out for your family.
This campaign is about sustainability, climate preparedness, women's rights, unions, public safety, local business and affordable housing. My 20 years of non-profit, union, and military experience is highly applicable to city council. Please reach out anytime to discuss your vision for our great city!

You make all the difference. Let's win this together.
Donating to the campaign today ensures we have the right kind of leadership on our council and a beautiful future for our city.
We can only make it across the finish line with your help! YOU are why I am running and we can only do this together. Thank you!